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  • 8:35 PM, Thursday, 18 Apr 2024

Course Postgraduate
Semester Electives
Subject Code ESA671
Subject Title High Resolution Spectroscopy


Atomic structure: review of Schrodinger equation - overview of single and multiple electron systems - perturbations and level splittings - pari ty - spin orbit coupling - zeeman effect - hyperfine structure - Boltzmann population of energ y levels in thermal equilibrium - Saha equation. Radiative transitions: semi-classical the ory - dipole approximation - Einstein coefficients and oscillator strengths - selection r ules and transition rates. Molecular Structure: Born-Oppenheimer approximation - electronic binding of nuclei - H2 molecule - energy levels and selection rules for pure rotation spectra, rota tion-vibration spectra and electronic-rotational- vibrational spectra. Observational techniques for s pectroscopy: linear and angular dispersion - dispersion elements: prism, diffraction gratings an d echelles (chromatic vs slit limited resolution, free spectral range, pre-dispersers and cross-dispe rsers) - Fabry Perot etalon - Fourier Transform spectrometers - digital spectrometers - m ulti-object spectrographs (e.g. integral field spectroscopy). Applications of high resolution spec troscopy: Elemental abundances in stars - absorption line studies of cold ISM (radio) and IGM (Lyman alpha forest) - radial velocity searches for extra-solar planets - Zeeman effect - infall and outflow signatures in star forming cores.

Text Books

same as Reference


1. Radiative Processes in Astrophysics by Rybicki & Lightman

2. Spectra of Atoms and Molecules by Bernath

3. Astrophysical Techniques by Kitchin